Which is Better for Restoring Furniture—Painting or Spraying?

Why paint your furniture

Paint is a quick and easy way to give old furniture a fresh new look, but there are a few different techniques to choose from. In this blog, we’ll break down the pros and cons of the two most popular methods. This will give you everything you need to decide which is best for your furniture restoration project.


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The top two methods

Two popular options are painting furniture with a brush by hand or using a spray gun to apply the paint. People have strong opinions one way or the other. I’ll let you form your own opinion, but you will see that each method has it’s pluses and minuses. It’s up to you to determine how you’ll paint your furniture.

The old-fashioned brush method

One of the main advantages of painting furniture by hand is the ability to achieve a smooth, even finish. By carefully applying the paint with a brush, it's possible to avoid drips and major brush marks that can ruin the appearance of the finished piece and limit the potential for the piece.

One thing I do to combat harsh brush stroke marks is to use a mister bottle of water and spray a bit on the surface as I am painting. This will help thin and smooth out the paint and allow it to glide across the surface easier. This method is also well-suited for furniture with intricate details or carved surfaces, as it allows for precise control and the ability to get into tight spaces.

On the downside, brush painting can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially if you're working on a large piece of furniture. It can also be challenging to get a perfectly smooth finish, especially if you're not experienced at painting. 

Also, if you're working with a piece that has a lot of nooks and crannies, it can be difficult to get the paint into all of the small areas without making a mess. It’s important that you use the correct brushes for the best finish. Brushes made of synthetic bristles help the paint smooth out the best in my opinion. 

The brushes I can’t live without: 

Some of my favorite paints:

Using a paint sprayer

Using a spray gun is a faster, more efficient way to apply paint to furniture. It allows you to cover large surfaces quickly and evenly. It's also easier to achieve a smooth, professional-looking finish with a spray gun, as the paint is applied in a fine mist rather than with brush strokes. 

This method is well-suited for furniture with a simple, smooth surface, as it's easier to get a consistent finish without having to worry about brush marks or drips. It is very important to have your spray gun on the right settings to get the correct flow and sometimes water may need to be added in order to achieve the correct viscosity of your paint. Typically paint containers will have directions for use in a sprayer and you’ll also learn as you go with trial and error.

However, spray painting does have some drawbacks. It's harder to achieve a precise finish with a spray gun, especially if you're working on a piece with intricate details or a complex shape. 

The most important thing to remember is to be consistent with your spray gun and take it slow. If you're not careful, it's easy to overspray and gets paint on areas that you don't want to be painted. 

Spray painting also requires more setup and cleanup, as you'll need to cover your work area and protect any nearby surfaces from overspray. I typically use this spray tent to help control overspray and also tape any areas I don’t want to get paint on. 

There are a few sprayers I like to use most often (and they’re pretty budget friendly too!):

Wagner FlexiO 590

Wagner FlexiO 5000

HomeRight Super Finish Max 

The cleanup of both a sprayer and a brush is pretty simple. Using a hot bucket of water and Dawn Dish Soap, you’ll be able to clean out each tool in no time. 

Which Method is Right for You?

Ultimately, the best method for painting your furniture will depend on your specific project and your skill level. 

If you're working on a large, smooth surface in a space that is large enough to spray appropriately and you're comfortable with the ride that is using a spray gun, spray painting may be faster and more efficient. On the other hand, if you're working on a small piece with a lot of details or if you're new to painting, brush painting may be the better choice to start. 

Remember, no matter which method you choose, it's important to take the time to properly prepare your furniture and use high-quality paint. If you want tips on finding the best furniture to flip, check out our blog on Thrifting 101. 

A little extra effort at the beginning of your project can go a long way toward ensuring a beautiful, long-lasting finish. Paint is a tool. It allows us to refine our ideas and bring a vision to life.

It doesn’t matter which one is your new favorite, but that you get started and keep going! 

Another thing

If you’re ready to flip furniture either on the side, for fun, or full-time, it’s so helpful to have trustworthy resources. That’s why we created Flipping Furniture for Fun + Profits: A Beginner’s Course

Neiman and I believe furniture flipping to be an exciting and adventurous journey, and this course will take you on a wild ride. You'll learn to turn old and boring furniture into stunning masterpieces that will sell for top dollar. Click here to get the details.

We love you so flippin’ much,

-Lauren & Neiman


A Furniture Flip With Brand New Ikea Furniture


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